Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The Sins of Mother Superior by Jun Baran.

The Sins of Mother Superior by Jun Baran is an account of the wanton desires of Sister Severa and her obbession with the person of Father Innocence.


Mother Superior – As you have instructed me I have written a confession of my many sins, and the kind efforts by you and the Sisters of the Order to save my soul.  Pray for me.  Thank you for giving me refuge in the convent of the Sisters of Perpetual Sublimination, and allowing me to atone for my sins.   I ask that you administer punishment for my transgressions.  I hope that I will soon be free of my sins, and given the resolve not to sin again. 

I will begin this confession with an account of my first days under your own firm direction.  Glory Be, Brother Innocence.


“Your sins are many, Brother.  You must repent, and resolve to serve only the goddess!”  intoned Mother Superior.  “Kneel!”

I bowed, as the holy woman rose from her chair.  She walked behind me, and struck me with her slender rod of bamboo.  The blow was followed by eleven more.

“Get up, sinner!  Come with me.”

I followed Mother Superior behind a velvet curtain.  Behind the curtain was a chair, carved with images of tigers and other cats.

“Here, kneel!”

I knelt before the holy woman.  She sat on the chair, reached down, and raised the black robes of her habit. She...then covered her face with the hem of her black habit.

“Expiate your sins!” she commanded. “Now!”

I knelt before her, and placed my hands on her legs.  I drew close, and began to trace her... . The holy woman began to moan, then to cry out.  She dropped the robes of her habit, covering me.  I freed myself of the cloth, and drew back.  Mother Superior was breathless for a time, and then rose to her feet.

“Stand!  I will take communion,” she ordered.

The woman knelt at my feet, and began to perform the holy rite with... . She slowly drew back, and bowed her head for a moment.

The holy woman rose, and caught my eye... . 

“You still have sinful desires. You dared to look upon my... secret parts. We will talk of this on the morrow.  This night, you must be firm in your faith. You must not touch my person as we lie together!”

I followed Mother Superior to her cell. She removed her habit, and stepped into her shallow tub. She poured cold water over herself, using a pail to dip the water from a large canister. She then went to her cot, after donning a cotton shift. 

“You must not wake me in the night...or I will be very angry!  You have spent a night with all of the Sisters in
the convent, and each report that you have sinned! Your soul is in jeopardy, my son!”

Mother Superior, I pray that you will forgive me. I will continue to seek to expiate my sins. Sister Patience has shown unswerving determination to reform me, without complaint. Glory Be!  Brother Innocence.

“Follow me to my cell, novice!” 

Sister Patience led me down the hall of the convent, to her room. The cell was barren save for a narrow cot, a kneeler and a few items of furniture. 

“Take off your cassock! Hurry!”

I removed my garments, and found Sister Patience had taken off her habit. 

“Kneel at the tub!”

The holy woman stepped into the shallow tub, and poured cold water over her form. I watched as she continued her bath. She was a woman of mature years, with dark hair.

“There! I see proof that you are not pure in mind! Mother Superior will be disappointed!” warned the holy woman.

After her bath, Sister Patience went to her cot, after donning a white shift. 

“Come, lie beside me. Remember, you must be pure in mind tonight. After I fall asleep, do not touch my...We will be like brother and sister.”


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